The American Healthcare System

Rest in Peace

Died January 14, 2022

By Jim Weldin

With the ruling from SCOTUS on the Biden Vaccine mandate for healthcare workers, we are witnessing the death of the American healthcare system. The American healthcare system has been suffering from cancer, the cancer of government over-regulation, mismanagement of COVID, and the failed policies of Democratic Governors. These governors forced lockdowns, denied the use of therapeutics such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, and forced hospitals to shut down elective surgeries and procedures. With Biden’s sole emphasis on vaccines, which was hard pressed by Dr. Fauci and the powerful Big Pharma, he ignored the use of therapeutics which has made recovery nearly impossible. The vaccine mandate for healthcare workers accepted by SCOTUS puts the proverbial nail on the coffin.

In a report from the American College of Surgeons on the financial losses to hospitals due to COVID), ) the report states:

Postponement of nonessential surgical procedures early in the coronavirus pandemic not only disrupted surgical care at U.S. hospitals, but also took away a large portion of hospitals’ total income, results from two studies reveal. These findings (from the two studies, which took place at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, and Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia) were presented at the virtual American College of Surgeons (ACS) Clinical Congress 2021.

Surgical services are typically an important financial engine for hospitals, and the new study findings showed that curtailing surgical procedures for even two months can seriously impact a hospital’s financial security. Most elective, nonurgent operations in the country stopped from mid-March to early May 2020, to conserve resources for patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Results of one study found that this two-month suspension cost a single university health care system 42 percent of its net revenue for five months.

Nationwide, hospitals lost $1.53 billion from missed elective pediatric procedures alone, the other study investigators estimated as part of their study, for approximately the same period, March to May 2020. Hospitals were slow to make up the surgical backlog and the lost income from children’s operations, with a median, or middle, time to recovery of one year, the investigators estimated.

The Biden/Fauci emphasis on vaccines inhibited, and in most cases, obstructed, therapeutics. The failure of vaccines to stop the spread, as advertised, resulted in an overload to an already overburdened healthcare system. We have already seen the result of Biden’s vaccine mandate with tens of thousands of medical professionals leaving the field or being forced out. Now, with the continued vaccine mandate for healthcare workers, now supported by SCOTUS, only exacerbates an already horrific situation. With declining numbers of healthcare workers, out of control inflation, the demand for rising salaries to entice healthcare workers to stay, and the dramatic revenue losses as a result of COVID, many smaller operations, mostly in rural areas will most certainly collapse.

In the end, our healthcare system as we once knew it, will forever suffer. Progressives may accomplish their long sought after goal of a single payer, limited option, government run healthcare system, since it may be the only option available.

Rest in Peace the American Health Care System.