We are posting this commentary from Victor Davis Hanson as it a powerful summary of where many Americans think we are. Back in October we did a post Joe Biden’s Vision for America, Venezuela, which described the current crisis and our projection for worsening conditions. Sadly, that projection is coming true.

Hanson describes all the issues and challenges we are facing, illustrating these self-inflicted wounds of Joe Biden’s policies.

Hanson concludes with the question, “As we head into the 2022 midterm elections, who will stop our descent into collective poverty, division, and self-inflicted madness?”

The answer is, we must stop the madness. Our suggestion is to find good Republican candidates to run for office and we need to work to elect them. Joe Biden and the Democratic Socialist Party is leading us down the disastrous path that Venezuela took. For our friends who are Democrats, think about where our society is today and where we were decades ago. Did the Democratic Party abandon you? We think they did. Join us to Rescue America and Rescue Delaware.

See the commentary here: