You might NOT be a Democrat if:
- You reject the push to Socialism, which promotes the idea that government is all-powerful and should control every aspect of American life. You don’t need the government to control all your actions. Government is increasingly controlling what you do, how you do it, what you read and watch, and how you spend your money.
- You reject open borders that provides millions of dollars to the world’s poor while the 10-12% of Americans that live in poverty are neglected.
- You reject the Green New Deal that sacrifices the quality of life for millions under the ill-informed guise of pending Armageddon. Restricting American energy production would have detrimental impacts. Low natural gas prices have been critical towards recovering our industrial might. In reality, a shift of production out of China, who is the world’s greatest polluter, would be good for the environment.
- You reject a public safety policy that Defunds the Police, maintains a criminal first approach which allows violent criminals back on the street, ignores the basic tenets of human behavior, and violates the principal of preventing future victims.
- You reject the shutting down of our schools, restaurants, and small businesses for far too long due to COVID. After the first few weeks of our initial COVID response it became apparent who was most likely to have complications from COVID. Quarantine should have occurred in only in the high-risk group.
- You reject the idea that school administrators know what’s best for our children. You believe parents should be treated as partners in the education of our children. Our schools are failing to properly prepare our children for their careers and the changing workforce demands. Stop preaching indoctrination and divisive ideology that divided us. Remove the masks from our school children now!
If you are a registered Democrat, you may be asking yourself that question, “Am I still really a Democrat?” You are not alone. In a recent Gallup Poll, participants were queried about their current leanings and the response was shocking. Since Biden assumed the office of the Presidency, there has been a 14% swing in the answer to the question, “Do you identify more as a Democrat or a Republican?” Yes, there was actually a positive 14% change from those who identified as Democrat to identification as a Republican. So now, according to Gallup, more Americans identify with the Republican Party than the Democrat Party. We contend there are good reasons why this shift has occurred.
Certainly, the impact of COVID, and the government’s poor response to the pandemic provides just one reason for this shift. Exhibit #1: Remember how we were told we needed just “two weeks to flatten the curve?” There was a lack of statistically evidence to support a lockdown, but this was the initial response urged by Dr. Fauci. Early on, it became apparent that the medicine was worse than the disease, or so we were led to believe. Now, research has shown there has been a detrimental impact from the lockdowns and we saw that Republican states rebounded far better than the lock-down heavily Democrat states. Exhibit #2: We see the failed progressive policies under Joe Biden, such as the Build Back Better Plan. Not to mention inflation has risen to record setting numbers. Exhibit #3: We are seeing the impact globally. Truckers in Canada, halting shipping over vaccine mandates at the borders.
The Democratic Party of John F Kennedy is no more. The Democratic Socialists have taken control what used to be the Democratic Party. Nationally, members of Congress, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and members of the Squad, including Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib, have pushed progressive far-left policies. Locally, State Representative Eric Morrison, who has been endorsed by the American Socialist Party of America, is among a handful of Democratic members of the Delaware General Assembly pushing progressive far-left policies.
So, what does this new Democratic Party represent? A strong push to Socialism at minimum. They push for stronger regressive taxation, “Tax the Rich”, open borders, the Green New Deal, Defund the Police, significant, if not total repeal of the 2nd Amendment. They seek Guaranteed Basic Income, Welfare-For-All and more distribution of wealth from the people to the government. Under their world, the government will consume your pay and provide you what they feel is best for you. This was not the Democrat Party of JFK who famously said, “Ask not what your country can do for you but ask what you can do for your country”. It also is not the party of Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein of 1993, who when discussing immigration reform said we must control immigration into our country as America cannot be the welfare state for the world. The attached link is a segment of her statement.
So, what does all this mean? Think about the following:
You might be a Republican if:
- You believe in the greatness of this country and affirm the idea of America First. While our history has not been perfect as a nation, this “Democratic Republic experiment” has accomplished great things and seeks to improve the lives of all Americans. Republicans want to stop the unprecedented transfer of wealth to China and return jobs to America.
- You feel the role of government is not to dictate what we do or how we live our lives, but to protect us and provide all Americans equal opportunity. Republicans believe the role of government is limited. Over-regulation stymies growth and places an undue burden on small businesses – the lifeline to our economy.
- You oppose mandates. You feel that people have the right to choose what is best for their lives. You oppose vaccine mandates, but you are not necessarily opposed to vaccines. You oppose mask mandates. You oppose lockdowns. According to a study by Johns Hopkins University, the lockdown due to COVID did not have significant improvements in COVID mortality. They study found a significant negative impact to our society, our economy, and most critically to our children.
- You believe in law and order. Republicans believe the most essential role of government is to provide protection to its citizens. You support the police. The overwhelming number of these public servants are doing an outstanding job. When the few acts outside of the norm, they should be disciplined. You reject the Defund Police Movement and seek to have law enforcement officers and our communities serve in a partnership to maintain order and reduce crime.
- You believe that parents and educators should be partners in the education of our children. Republicans believe parents’ input into their children’s education is critical and should not be debased or excluded. Telling children that they are victims or oppressors because of immutable characteristics is wrong. All instruction by school personnel should operate on the premise that characteristics such as race, gender, sexual orientation, and religious believes do not define an individual’s abilities or potential.
- You believe in free speech and the expression of ideas. Republicans believe that these rights are what has made this country great. Republicans do not believe in calls for violence. We do however feel what makes our union strong is the free exchange of competitive ideas.
When the government fears the people, we have liberty. When the people fear the government, we have tyranny.
Thomas Jefferson.
If you feel the Democrat Party has abandoned you, we urge you to join us. You can go the Department of Elections website and change your party affiliation from Democrat or Other to Republican.
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